Ebony was studying at Barnet and Southgate College before coming onto the Supported Internship Programme. She completed her level 2 qualifications in Functional Skills Maths and English and was keen to achieve her goal of gaining paid employment.
Ebony’s turning point was when she started working at her placement and was able to very quickly become part of the team. Gradually, over time and with the support of her Job Coach Karen, she learnt to effectively use the alphabetical filing system. To help Ebony remember the alphabetic sequence a bespoke resource that was made for her – this resource was a keyring with the letters of the alphabet printed on card in alphabetical order for her to refer to. Her confidence in her abilities at work grew and this also helped her to take on more aspects of her role. Ebony is now working 16 hours a week at in the Educational Psychology Department Enfield Council. Her job is to do the filing for the Educational Psychologists.
Ebony’s confidence grew over the duration of the Supported Internship Programme in many aspects of both life and work skills supporting her to become more independent. She travels independently to work. She has integrated well into her workplace and engages well with her colleagues. She learnt new skills, such as alphabetical filing, collating information and inputting information on a Spreadsheet.
Ebony said to her Job Coach at the end of the Supported Internship Programme that “The Supported Internship had changed her life.” Karen who worked closely as her Job Coach reports, “It was a joy working with Ebony and watch her develop over the course of the year.”